Preconception testing:
Get a basic pre-pregnancy screening from your doctor. This should include;
- Blood pressure assessment
- Breast check
- Weight check
- Pap smear
- Gynaecological examination
- Lifestyle advice
- Check immunity to rubella and varicella
- Testing for cystic fibrosis (1 in 25 is a carrier)
- Blood group and Antibody screen
- Fe studies
- Vitamin D and TSH check
- Pelvic ultrasound
- Day 2-3 of cycle FSH, LH and estradiol level
- Antimullerian hormone and luteal phase progesterone level
Vitamin supplementation and diet:
- Start a folic acid supplement 3 months before becoming pregnant to help reduce neural tube defects (at least 500mcg)
- Start a pregnancy specific vitamin filled with other nutrients and minerals such as iodine, iron, vitamin D, B group vitamins and fish oil
- With exercise and a sensible eating plan, reaching your ideal body weight pre-conception will assist with natural fertility and lower specific pregnancy complications associated with high BMIs
Lifetsyle changes:
- Smoking affects oocyte and sperm quality, reduces your fertility, increases risks of miscarriage, pregnancy complications and results in smaller babies
- Smoking speeds up your reproductive clock by 10 years and is associated with early menopause
- Women who smoke are only 60% as likely to conceive as non-smokers
- Smoking affects your unborn baby and may have long-lasting effects on your child such as cancer and heart disease.
- Women should stop drinking when trying to conceive but 5 standard drinks a week is the maximum if this is not possible.
- Men should not have more than 10 standard drinks a week.
Illicit drugs
- Marijuana, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy and ice have detrimental effects on sperm and egg quality
- They also have serious effects to unborn children
- The use of illicit drugs should be stopped at least 3 months prior to conception
- Limit your intake
- No more that 2 cups of coffee, 2 glasses of cola or 2-3 teas a day
- Maintain a healthy exercise program to help reduce stress
- Pregnant women should avoid raising their pulse above 120
Medication safety check:
- Many medications including blood pressure medications can be unsafe to use when pregnant
- Check with your doctor who can help you find an alternative
Get in early:
Don’t be afraid to get an early referral to a fertility specialist especially if;
- You are over 35
- You have a history of endometriosis, pelvic infection ovarian cysts or ruptured appendicitis
- Your cycles are irregular
- You have a family history of early menopause (before 35)
- You suffer from pain with intercourse or have issues having intercourse